BlueCielo Meridian Explorer 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About publishing jobs > Configuring an Explorer Synchronization job > Configuring folder property mappings

Configuring folder property mappings

The folder property mappings define how folder properties from the Meridian Enterprise vault are imported into the Explorer repository.

Note    The folder property mappings must be updated manually if the configuration of the source properties has been changed.

To configure folder property mappings:

  1. In the configuration tree, select the publishing job for which you want to configure the folder property mappings. The job's configuration pages appear in the right pane.
  2. Click the Mapping tab. Tabs for each of the mapping types appear.
  3. Click the Folder Properties tab. A list of the folder properties in the source vault appears in the left column, grouped by their property set name. The corresponding repository folder property names appear in the right column. Repository properties that have not yet been mapped appear in red text. Properties that have already been mapped appear in green text.

To show the internal name and data type of each property, enable the Details option at the top of the page. Each property row expands to show the detailed information.

To shorten the list of document types for easier selection, type the beginning of a folder property name in Search. The list is dynamically filtered on the text that you type.

  1. To exclude a property from the repository, clear the check box next to the vault property name. To exclude all properties, click Unselect All. To include all properties, select Select All.
  2. To change the mapping of a property, click the Details hyperlink next to the repository property name. The property expands to display its mapping options
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Option Description


Select this option to map the vault property to a new repository property.


Type a name to be shown in Explorer for the new property.

Data Type

Select a data type for the new property. Only data types that are valid for the selected vault property type are available.

Note    Meridian Enterprise memo properties can be imported using the Keyword data type. This will import each line of the memo data as a separate value. The character used to separate each line (by default, the newline character) can be specified with the KeywordSeparator string value of the following registry key:

\Application Manager\Settings\DexMeridian

However, keyword properties have some limitations:

  • They cannot be shown in results grid layouts
  • Only the Equals and Not Equals operators are supported by searches
  • They cannot be used in navigation views
  • Values are exported to Excel with the vertical bar (|) separator character


Type a maximum length for string properties. The default length of 255 characters should be reduced to the maximum expected length whenever possible to optimize space.

Warning    Entering a length that is less than the maximum length of the data to be imported will result in the data being truncated.


Select this option to map the vault property to an existing repository property.


Select an existing repository property to which to map the values of this vault property.

  1. Click the Save hyperlink to save your changes.
  2. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each property that requires mapping (red) or that you want to change.
  3. Click to save your changes to the publishing job.

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